Thu Klub Gromka 00:15 - 01:45



“As a specimen of contemporary modular “techno” that expands into fields of abstract ambient landscapes, noisy eruptions and cosmic drones, the Astro Disco EP provides the backdrop for an immersive listening experience on top-notch headphones in the comfort of your home sofa.”
Jaša Bužinel, Mladina

Producer and sound designer Jure Anžiček, a protégé of the Kamizdat label and Clockwork Voltage collective, invites you on an interstellar journey through an orbit that gravitates on the fringes of modular techno, ambient, noise and drone. Just when you think you’re about to burst through the club door onto the dancefloor, his music makes a U-turn and you soon end up in the arms of a cyborg creature with a synthetic voice that recalls Blawan’s futuristic vocal manipulations. 08080 relies on compositionally daring and sonically gritty electronica laced with unexpected twists and turns. 

Special: Clockwork Voltage

The Slovenian modular synthesis community presented at various MENT venues.